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In networks, there are often more than one sources of capacity. The capacities can be permanently or temporarily owned by the decision maker. Depending on the nature of sources, we identify the permanent capacity, spot market capacity, and contract capacity. We use a scenario tree to model the uncertainty, and build a multi‐stage stochastic integer program that can incorporate multiple sources and multiple types of capacities in a general network. We propose two solution methodologies for the problem. Firstly, we design an asymptotically convergent approximation algorithm. Secondly, we design a cutting plane algorithm based on Benders decomposition to find tight bounds for the problem. The numerical experiments show superb performance of the proposed algorithms compared with commercial software. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 63: 600–614, 2017  相似文献   
We study a periodic-review assemble-to-order (ATO) system with multiple components and multiple products, in which the inventory replenishment for each component follows an independent base-stock policy and stochastic product demands are satisfied according to a First-Come-First-Served rule. We assume that the replenishment for various component suffers from lead time uncertainty. However, the decision maker has the so-called advance supply information (ASI) associated with the lead times and thus can take advantage of the information for system optimization. We propose a multistage stochastic integer program that incorporates ASI to address the joint optimization of inventory replenishment and component allocation. The optimal base-stock policy for the inventory replenishment is determined using the sample average approximation algorithm. Also, we provide a modified order-based component allocation (MOBCA) heuristic for the component allocation. We additionally consider a special case of the variable lead times where the resulting two-stage stochastic programming model can be characterized as a single-scenario case of the proposed multistage model. We carry out extensive computational studies to quantify the benefits of integrating ASI into joint optimization and to explore the possibility of employing the two-stage model as a relatively efficient approximation scheme for the multistage model.  相似文献   
As a complex system with multiple components usually deteriorates with age, preventive maintenance (PM) is often performed to keep the system functioning in a good state to prolong its effective age. In this study, a nonhomogeneous Poisson process with a power law failure intensity is used to describe the deterioration of a repairable system, and the optimal nonperiodic PM schedule can be determined to minimize the expected total cost per unit time. However, since the determination of such optimal PM policies may involve numerous uncertainties, which typically make the analyses difficult to perform because of the scarcity of data, a Bayesian decision model, which utilizes all available information effectively, is also proposed for determining the optimal PM strategies. A numerical example with a real failure data set is used to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. The results show that the optimal schedules derived by Bayesian approach are relatively more conservative than that for non‐Bayesian approach because of the uncertainty of the intensity function, and if the intensity function are updated using the collected data set, which indicates more severe deterioration than the prior belief, replacing the entire system instead of frequent PM activities before serious deterioration is suggested. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2010  相似文献   
针对螺旋桨在湍流中的非定常噪声问题,在均匀湍流下螺旋桨宽频噪声相关性法的基础上,推导了非均匀湍流下螺旋桨宽频噪声的公式。在均匀湍流的研究中使用了十桨叶螺旋桨模型,并将计算结果与试验数据进行了对比,发现吻合较好。对于非均匀湍流中的问题,研究发现湍流的不均匀程度不会对宽频谱波峰的位置产生影响,噪声谱波峰的位置仍然取决于叶频,湍流的不均匀程度只会改变叶频处的波峰高度。最后研究了均匀湍流和非均匀湍流中侧斜角对螺旋桨噪声的影响,发现桨叶侧斜角的存在会降低螺旋桨在湍流中受到的宽频噪声。  相似文献   
为优化楔块式单向超越离合器的结构参数,根据漂浮式微型波力发电装置对超越离合器的要求,建立楔块式超越离合器结构参数的数学模型。以体积最小为优化目标,建立接触疲劳强度和各个尺寸的约束条件,并利用Matlab软件的优化工具箱求解数学模型。最后将常规设计参数和优化设计参数进行比较,结果表明:优化设计的体积只有常规设计的72.33%;漂浮式发电装置的传动系统结构更加紧凑,质量更轻。  相似文献   
基于声发射原理的阀门内漏检测作为一种动态无损检测方法得到了广泛应用,但是定量检测一直是研究难点。现有的内漏率定量检测模型计算方法因参数不易测定,导致计算困难,精度不高。采用独立分量分析(ICA)方法提取声发射信号特征向量,并与参考样本集的特征向量相比较,相似程度最高的即可作为待测阀门的内漏率。内漏模拟实验分别将常规参数、频谱成分和ICA提取特征作为特征向量进行比较,结果表明ICA提取的特征向量维数为15时,均方根误差可以达到0.01 L/min,能够满足工程检测需要。  相似文献   
提出基于广义回归神经网络拟合和聚类克里金的构建方法,通过趋势面拟合,将电磁频谱地图构建分解为路径衰减和阴影衰落分量的估计问题,以提升构建精度;设计监测数据聚类和自适应最优邻域选取机制,在保证构建精度的条件下减小计算数据量,以提升构建速度,从而利用数量有限的电磁环境监测数据,在不需要先验信息的条件下实现电磁频谱地图的准确、快速构建。设计并实现电磁频谱地图验证系统,搭建车载数据采集设备,利用实测电磁环境监测数据,验证所提方法的可行性及构建性能。  相似文献   
武器系统的可靠性评估方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
武器系统的可靠性是武器装备研究的重要内容,而评估可靠性的方法又是可靠性研究的关键,本文尝试对武器系统可靠性的评估方法进行了探讨。  相似文献   
黄瑶 《军事历史》2007,(5):58-64
1955年9月,中国人民解放军第一次授衔时,共有1050位军队高级干部被授予从少将到元帅的军衔.还有不少战功卓著的军队干部由于已经逝世而没有赶上这一盛典,如黄公略、董振堂、赵博生、左权、彭雪枫等先后战死沙场,罗炳辉因积劳成疾而病故,叶挺遭遇了空难,名将陈光也是这一行列中的一员,但情况较特殊.  相似文献   
坚持用科学发展观统领部队思想政治建设创新发展,一要抓好用党的创新理论武装官兵这一基础性工程,兴起学习贯彻科学发展观热潮;二要紧贴时代和实践的新发展,提升思想政治建设的起点和标准;三要着眼部队全面建设和可持续发展要求,不断提高基层建设质量;四要加大组织指导力度,促进思想政治建设各项任务的有效落实。  相似文献   
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